Project Brief:
・To identify a genuine problem(s) in any commercial sector and identify your target group. Suggest innovative ways to tackle associated issues with your selected sector.
・I had selected 'Travel & Tourism', because being an exchange student in Paris for the first time, I faced the unpopular language problem in Europe. The primary medium of communication is French and citizens prefer to speak in their mother tongue in European countries. Hence, English was uncommon and not used.
・Since, the cultural shock was inevitable. The French cuisine, climate, city rules, transport network, historical beliefs and nature of Europeans are drastically different than their Indian counterparts. Hence, I wanted to create an interactive guide to accommodate foreign travelers in new cities.
Inspired by the world's first travel excursionist, Thomas Cook, this Smart Bot is equipped with a language translator, GPS, and currency converter, weather information and a repository for storing entry tickets. He is crafted from real-life traveling experiences and studying applications like Lonely Planet, TripAdvisor and Airbnb. 
Target Demography:  Young Voyagers, Budget-Travelers & Student Explorers
Duration: 2 Months
Academic Guides:  Prof. Sonia da Rocha & Prof. Brice Domingues
Institute: ÉSAD de Reims, France* 
Team Composition: Individual Project
* This project was created during the National Institute of Design's student exchange program to the École Supérieure d'Art et de Design de Reims, where I was selected as an Erasmus+ étudiante/student based on my academic merit. 
Major Challenges faced by Student Explorers:
Communication issue - The Thomas Cook travelBot is equipped with language auto-translation via voice/written notes to accommodate both abled and specially-abled travelers. Eg. if someone is giving directions in French or German, I can get it translated into Bengali.
Lack of Awareness - The Musée Rodin and Le Louvre Museum permits entry free of cost for Design students. I was unaware of this hidden gem and ended up paying for the tickets. However, I wanted to make sure that other foreign students would not repeat the same mistake unknowingly and would avail of other similar opportunities. Thomas TravelBot will inform the user about city secrets, heritage sites, festivals and local artifacts.
Managing Files - It is difficult to manage several files while traveling. Eg. if someone asks for travel PNR, some users might search their emails, WhatsApp or file manager, leading to chaotic situations and confusion.
My Innovation:
→ Thomas is a Smart TravelBot that assists young explorers in planning, making budgets and managing documents for their travel. Inspired by the world's first travel excursionist, Thomas Cook, this Smart Bot is equipped with a language translator, GPS, and currency converter, weather information and a repository for storing entry tickets. 
→ He is crafted from real-life traveling experiences and studying applications like Lonely Planet, TripAdvisor and Airbnb. Thomas aids users in making decisions spontaneously about live concerts, student offers, budget-saving deals and popular tourist destinations as per dietary preferences, personal, budget, distance range, time consumption and travel credit.
→ ​​​​​​​Thomas SmartBot will notify weather alerts such as if the user should carry an umbrella if there is a <30% chance of precipitation.
→ ​​​​​​​Thomas will organise all your important documents in one place eg. passport photocopy, national identity card, travel PNR, bookings and tickets, etc. There is an optional notification if a user wants to be alerted if the Currency Exchange rate is rising or dropping.
Mock-Up Courtesy - M.Elgendy, Sourced from Graphic Burger | Icons - Freepik & Noun Project​​​​​​​

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