Eternal Forms: Interactive Kinetic Sculptor
Eternal Forms is a dynamic light & art installation incorporating geometric elements in motion. Its construction is extremely precise to mirage an optical illusion of constant collision with the aid of distance sensors, RGB lights, MicroCircuit and light sensors. This illusion is a result of linear patterns overlapping in motion between geometric forms when a viewer interacts with it from different distances.
Interaction Design | Art Direction | Kinetic Sculpture | Light & Artwork Installation
🏆 Featured in Open Show, Toronto | OCAD University Exhibition
{Wake them Up}
An interactive and playful experience with a bunch of sleepy 'Pocket Monsters', that needed to be waked up by players by triggering various forms of inputs. This experiment was an attempt to assign personalities and emotions to smartphones & create delightful memories with their users through their different colours, unique behaviors and responsive gestures. Players/users/participants can shake, speak, walk or tap screens to wake-up these Pocket Monsters.
Interaction Design | Game Design | Pocket Monsters | Creative Coding
Fitness program for Elderly using ML & AI Tech
Older Adults tend to turn physically inactive due to fear of injuries, and lack of guidance or confidence especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Inspired by AI Aerobics, our computer will instruct the user to perform a series of exercises along with motivating music to inspire the elderly to become fitter & stronger. This HCI platform is created with machine Learning algorithms integrating the PoseNet library.
Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence | Human-Computer Interaction | PoseNet | JS Library
🏆 Featured in IndiaAI - National AI Research Portal by the Ministry of Electronics and IT
Experience Design | Eggsistential Workspace
Eggsistential Workspace is a somatosensorial ecosystem intended to communicate motivation and companionship between two participants interacting from distance venues through transitional chromatic values. This personalized bonding experience enables participants to convey their activities in their individual workspace. The faster a companion type, the quicker is the data transferred and we see the rapid transition of RGB LED lights change their colour and motions.
Interaction Design | Art Direction | p5.js | Microcontroller
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